Making an impact on inter-personal intelligence

Making an impact on inter-personal intelligence

UNIT STANDARDS: 252037 ; 252027 ; 252043 ; 12433

  • Discuss and explain a range of written and oral communication techniques used in the workplace
  • Lead discussions and chair meetings
  • Generate a variety of workplace reports using various data gathering techniques
  • Deliver presentations
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and insight into the theory of teams and the importance of teams in workplace activities.
  • Apply the theory of teams to team dynamics
  • Explain the process of building teams
  • Analyse the role of team leader in promoting team effectiveness
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a team and propose ways to improve team effectiveness
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of diversity in the workplace.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the reality of diversity and its value in a unit.
  • Manage team members taking into account similarities and differences.
  • Deal with disagreements and conflicts arising from diversity in a unit.
  • Liaise and network with internal and external stakeholders
  • Devise and apply a strategy to establish constructive relationships with managers
  • Identify and minimize personal conflict in a unit
  • Devise and apply a strategy to establish constructive relationships with team members in a unit.